1732 15th St. NW
Washington, DC 20009
This Masonic Temple-owned lot in the heart of historic DC is home to a new four-story, 140-unit residential community designed to complement the surrounding Dupont Circle neighborhood while adding a variety of much-needed housing options.
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The building sits atop a 109-space underground parking structure and features a large interior courtyard shaped by the new building, the existing carriage house, and the historic Scottish Rite Temple. Additional features include penthouse residential units with terraces, a penthouse clubroom with an outdoor pool deck, and two levels of below-grade English basement apartments. Located in both the 16th Street and Great 14th Street Historic Districts, the project required an extensive HPRB approval process.
1732 15th St. NW
Washington, DC 20009
Perseus TDC
46,121 SF
Units: 140